Visuvamadu Flood Relief – Good distributed on 29-12-2018
Visuvamadu Flood Relief – Good distributed on 29-12-2018
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Visuvamadu Flood Relief – Good distributed on 29-12-2018
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Distribution done in Visuvamadu & Iyakachchi.
Distribution done in Vavania
Swami Vivekananda Welfare Centre
119, Kallurickani , Krishnapuram, Kilinochchi.
A Farm based welfare centre.
Using natural depression of the land, a small pond is created in a corner to capture rainwater.
Farm ponds are highly desirable in drought prone and making farming possible even without sophisticated irrigation technology.
Already spent about USD 1000 in Swami Vivekananda Welfare Centre, Kilinochchi, for a Project for water harvesting to recharge ground water.
A pond like structure, size 110 x 90 feet 2.5 feet depth, has been made to collect rain water to improve the level of ground water in the land.
(Made a low level area as needed for paddy cultivation).
The Welfare Centre provided water to people living around the area during the summer 3 years before. But it could not be done last year due to drought. The existing tube well of 130 feet could not supply water even for the Welfare Centre requirements.
The Centre has planned to plant Palmyrah Trees along the fence and Cashew Plants in other areas to overcome water problem and also to give work to the people around the area and nutritious food to children.
The centre is running a Sunday Religious School with about 40 children.
Free Lunch is provided to them on Sundays. Free tuition classes are also being conducted.
The Key Areas of work of the Welfare Centre, Kilinochchi.
1. Value education – inculcation of moral, cultural and spiritual values;
2. Service to the poor, especially to those belonging to the marginalized sections of society;
3. Support to women’s welfare programmes.
4. Work for food programme.