Progress – Youths & Nations – Swami Vivekananda

Vivekananda’s concept of ‘potential divinity of the soul’ gives a new, ennobling concept of man.

The present age is the age of humanism which holds that man should be the chief concern and centre of all activities and thinking.

Through science and technology man has attained great prosperity and power, and modern methods of communication and travel have converted human society into a ‘global village’.

But the degradation of man has also been going on apace, as witnessed by the enormous increase in broken homes, immorality, violence, crime, etc. in modern society.

Vivekananda’s concept of potential divinity of the soul prevents this degradation, divinizes human relationships, and makes life meaningful and worth living.

Swami Vivekananda has laid the foundation for ‘spiritual humanism’,

Swami Vivekananda Sagita Sadhanalaya for Promotion of Fine Arts