Ramakrishna Mission (Ceylon Branch) is a charity organization and was incorporated by a special Act of Parliament i.e. Ordinance No. 8 of 1929. It is a worldwide organization, serving in various fields of human needs – medical, educational, cultural, moral and spiritual for more than 120 years. It aims at harmony of religions, all-round development of human faculties, social equality, and peace for all humanity, without any distinctions of creed, caste, race or nationality. Worship of God in Man is the guiding ideal of the organization.
The Mission started relief work on 22-5-2009 among the refugees in Vanni & continues now various programmes for rehabilitation of the needy. Free Educational Activities were started under trees in Visuvamadu in the year 2012. Now more than 90 students attend evening free tuition classes daily. Mission spends about US $550 per month as honorarium for teachers to conduct free classes to the children. Occasional feeding is also being done for better nourishment of the children.
Hold Yet A While
If the sun by the cloud is hidden a bit,
If the welkin shows but gloom,
Still hold on yet a while, brave heart,
The victory is sure to come.
No winter was but summer came behind,
Each hollow crests the wave,
They push each other in light and shade ;
Be steady then and brave.
The duties of life are sore indeed,
And its pleasures fleeting, vain,
The goal so shadowy seems and dim,
Yet plod on through the dark, brave heart,
With all thy might and main.
Not a work will be lost, no struggle vain,
Though hopes be blighted, powers gone ;
Of thy loins shall come the heirs to all,
Then hold on yet a while, brave soul,
No good is e’er undone.
Though the good and the wise in life are few,
Yet theirs are the reins to lead,
The masses know but late the worth ;
Heed none and gently guide.
With thee are those who see afar,
With thee is the Lord of might,
All blessings pour on thee, great soul,
To thee may all come right!
Swami Vivekananda